インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ


For message passing interface (MPI) analysis , configure collectors to determine MPI rank ID in case of a non-Intel MPI library implementation.


-trace-mpi | -no-trace-mpi



Actions Modified

collect, collect-with


Based on the PMI_RANK or PMI_ID MPI analysis environment variable (whichever is set), the VTune Amplifier extends a process name with the captured rank number that is helpful to differentiate ranks in a VTune Amplifier result with multiple ranks. The process naming schema in this case is <process_name> (rank <N>). Use the -trace-mpi option to enable detecting an MPI rank ID for MPI implementations that do not provide the environment variable.


This command runs the Advanced Hotspots analysis type (based on the sampling driver) with enabled MPI rank ID detection.

$ mpirun -n 4 amplxe-cl -result-dir my_result -trace-mpi -collect advanced-hotspots -- ./test.x
