インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ

Pane: Assembly

To access this pane:

Double-click a row with the function/synchronization object name in the grid (for example, Bottom-up pane) or a transition in the Timeline pane. The following outcomes are possible:


The Assembly pane may be unavailable in the compare mode if you compare the source code for binary files with different checksum.

Use the Assembly pane to view machine instructions that caused the hotspot.

The assembly code is divided into basic blocks executed consecutively. Basic blocks can be collapsed or expanded. While a block is collapsed, the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier shows the total data (sum, or average) of its internal instruction.

The Assembly pane provides the following data:

Use This

To Do This


  • Navigate between hotspot code lines in the selected function

  • Enable/disable the Source and Assembly panes

  • Group instructions in the Assembly pane by function ranges, basic blocks, or RVA

Code Location

Identify the relative virtual address (RVA) of an assembly instruction. The address can be relative virtual (RVA), virtual or the segment/offset.

Source Line

View the source line number information obtained from debug information.


Explore assembly instructions and labels. VTune Amplifier groups the assembly code by basic blocks - sets of instructions executed consecutively.

Click a jump or call assembly instruction (formatted as hyperlinks) to scroll to the jump target. Call targets to the current function are represented in <Block N> form. Call targets outside of the current function are represented as <function name>.

Right-click an instruction and select Instruction Reference command to read the reference on the selected instruction.

<Performance metrics columns>

Analyze performance per any of the available assembly granularity: instructions, basic blocks, or function ranges. If the default flat instruction address granularity is selected in the Assembly grouping menu, the VTune Amplifier provides collected performance data using the Self and Total types of performance metrics. For example, for the Basic Hotspots analysis, the CPU Time: Self column shows the amount of processor time (in seconds) taken to execute an assembler instruction while the CPU Time: Total column shows the processor time spent on the instruction execution and calls from this line, if any. Mouse over the column header to read the metric description and view the formula used for the metric calculation.

Heat map markers

Navigate between the most performance critical instructions using visual indicators to the right of the scrollbar.
