インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ

L2 Hit Rate

Metric Description

The L2 is the last and longest-latency level in the memory hierarchy before DRAM or MCDRAM. While L2 hits are serviced much more quickly than hits in DRAM or MCDRAM, they can still incur a significant performance penalty. This metric provides a ratio of the demand load requests that hit the L2 to the total number of the demand load requests serviced by the L2. This metric does not include instruction fetches.

Possible Issues

The L2 is the last and longest-latency level in the memory hierarchy before DRAM or MCDRAM. While L2 hits are serviced much more quickly than hits in DRAM, they can still incur a significant performance penalty. This metric provides the ratio of demand load requests that hit the L2 to the total number of the demand load requests serviced by the L2. This metric does not include instruction fetches.
