インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ

VPU Utilization

Metric Description

This metric measures the fraction of micro-ops that performed packed vector operations of any vector length and any mask. VPU utilization metric can be used in conjunction with the compiler's vectorization report to assess VPU utilization and to understand the compiler's judgement about the code. Note that this metric does not account for loads and stores and does not take into consideration vector length as well as masking. Includes integer packed simd.

Possible Issues

This metric measures the fraction of micro-ops that performed packed vector operations of any vector length and any mask. VPU utilization metric can be in conjunction with the compiler's vectorization report to assess VPU utilization and to understand the compiler's judgement about the code. Note that this metric does not account for loads and stores and does not take into consideration vector length as well as masking. This metric includes integer packed SIMD.
